Work and life co-exist in an extraordinarily beautiful symbiosis in Julie Wolfe’s Capitol Hill home and studio. A painter, installation artist and jewelry designer, Wolfe bridges that gap between fine art and tactile, wearable, interactive art in a way that clearly is rooted in her day to day life. While the official studio space is on the second floor, the whole building is filled with projects past and future, little nudges and nods towards the recurring themes in art. Much like her work, the space is a celebration of interconnectedness...
Hyperallergic: Abstracting the Data of the Natural World with Colorful Geometries
WASHINGTON, DC — In her solo exhibition at the Katzen Arts Center, artist Julie Wolfe attempts to confront a massive question: How do we find peaceful coexistence between our human systems and the natural world? Quest for a Third Paradise — which draws its name from Michelangelo Pistoletto’s concept that envisions harmony between nature and artifice — provides no firm answers. But it insists that the path to such a paradise requires an awareness of the variety of languages we have devised and can devise to organize and understand our surroundings...